Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of Singapore, claims someone ready upwardly a profile on the social token platform BitClout to sell tokens using the information from his Twitter account.

In a Facebook post Friday, Loong urged Singaporeans to "to remain vigilant when dealing with cryptocurrency platforms." He said that someone had used BitClout to create one of the platform's Creator Coins using his name, Twitter account bio, and photo. Co-ordinate to the screenshot Loong posted, at that place were 27.4088 of his tokens with a market capitalization of more than $ix,800, with at least one user belongings $4.77 worth.

"I take discovered that my Twitter profile (and others equally well) has been used without my permission or knowledge on a blockchain platform that allows users to buy and speculate with its proprietary cryptocurrency," said the prime minister.

He added:

"The site's creators are anonymous, but I have sent an open up tweet out to ask that my name and photograph be removed from the site immediately, every bit I take naught to practise with the platform. It is misleading and washed without my permission."

Loong's account has since been removed, simply could have been added to the platform at launch. According to BitClout, the site pre-loaded the pinnacle fifteen,000 Twitter influencers — purportedly based on the number of followers — allowing users to "buy and sell their coins even though they're not on the platform nevertheless." The Singapore PM has more than 792,000 followers.

However, it appears that the figures behind the BitClout accounts do not have to reserve their profiles for the buying and selling of the tokens to start. Tesla CEO Elon Musk'due south BitClout profile shows he has not officially joined the platform, merely many users are currently belongings his tokens, worth $89,379.39 each at the fourth dimension of publication. When creators actuate their accounts by tweeting out their BitClout address, they're entitled to claim a certain number of their own tokens.

The prime minister's alarm went out to his 1.6 million Facebook followers in addition to his Twitter followers, but was purportedly intended for all five.seven million people living in Singapore. Loong seemed to imply investing in the crypto platform was alike to "falling prey to scams," and encouraged users to merely deal with companies regulated by the Monetary Authorization of Singapore.

BitClout has also attracted the attending of former Baywatch star Pamela Anderson, who is handing out signed copies of her last 2022 Playboy magazine encompass to the iii biggest holders of her Creator Coin. Anderson's token is currently valued at $half-dozen,749.89 with a market cap of more than $800,000.