BADGER, the governance token of Ethereum-powered Bitcoin yield protocol, BadgerDAO, will be included in Index Coop'due south DeFiPulse Index (DPI) token from Baronial.

Index Coop appear the news on June 26, noting Annoy's inclusion would exist pushed back by one calendar month due to prioritizing other upgrades.

The DPI token is a market cap-weighted index spanning the ten-most popular Ethereum-based DeFi tokens listed on decentralized finance data aggregator, DeFiPulse.

The DPI index token rebalances on the first twenty-four hours of every month, adjusting allocations co-ordinate to supply and cost data provided by CoinGecko. Tokens will non be allocated a weighting higher than 25% during rebalancing.

Equally of this writing, UNI has the largest allocation in the DPI Alphabetize with roughly 26.5%, followed by AAVE with xviii.4%, MKR with 13.5%, and COMP with 9.3%.

SUSHI, YFI, and SNX each have allocations of between 7% and eight.6%, while LRC, REN, KNC, and BAL are weighted between ane.2% and 2.4%. Cream, FARM, and MTA represent less than 1% of the index each.

The index excludes wrapped tokens, synthetic avails, tokenized derived, tokens that are tied to physical assets, and tokens that represent buying claims to other tokens.

Related: Overexposed: DeFi indexes aren't as diversified equally you think

DPI has shed near 2-thirds of its value over roughly six weeks, tanking from a May 12 all-time high of $656.49 to concluding alter easily for $234.

Despite suffering a heavy drawdown among the recent crypto market crash, DPI is still up more than 300% from its November 2022 depression of $57.20.