
How To Reduce Errors In Email Templates

Hello there, 2021 will continue to be the year of emails, it is predicted that almost 319  billion emails per day will go out this year! Understanding the anatomy of email template-designed created practices can be tough for professional businesses, companies, and industries. So how would you up your game to deploy smart and learn new email template web design practices for your email marketing?

It all starts with asking: what is an email template?

The aesthetics of an email template offer and includes Images, fonts, color like black, palettes, copy – all of these elements to make up for a good email. If your content is well thought of, it will boost your email open rate.

Did I tell you Aritic PinPoint lets you access to configure the BEE editor for your landing page and email template design ? Yep, with their all-time pro favorite drag and drop editor, you can also configure and customize the BEE Editor and next get ready to learn to access and enhance your new marketing campaigns automation and save time. It's awesome since all templates and elements like photos in the tool and devices are mobile responsive.


Here are 13 mistakes that you need to avoid and get a look at in your email template to ready to grab your user's eyeballs and grow your industry [ You're email template inspiration included].

1. Settling for a Non-Responsive Email Editor Template

It is important to keep a look at the layout as a single column and make it no wider than 500 to 600 px. This type would make and help your emails readable on mobiles, devices and better on web. Esp, If you include and add buttons for CTAs for click rates or even links, make sure they are in the resolution of 44X44 px. This is the guideline that even Apple gives.eMarketer reports that 56.9% respondents opted for responsive and customize new welcome email template design.


2. Pre-header and Header Size is more than 150 px

This will not drop or deviate your audience's focus for the main message or the call to action buttons below. This also drives maximum engagement for your emails.

b2b email template design

Image Source: SmartInsights

3. Using All Caps or Spammy Words

Reflecting your professional brand identity in your email designs is providers important. The first easy tip is you need to get to remove All Caps in your subject lines which will include Keeping it short and crisp like a pro.

Spammy words such as '4U', 'Address on CD', etc. are a huge and big turn-off and do not intend to add. Readers are not to be fooled in this age and time. The moment uses these over-emphasized and spammy words and message, readers will know. So, avoiding such collection of words will only enhance you're new professional creative quality. To know what are the most common spam words, check or drop-in, in this list from Comm100

4. Not focusing on the color palette for your email template

Almost 90% of the reasons why consumers buy and find a product and services providers is because of the colored adverts. So Market them accordingly. For email templates, colors get to play a significant role in understanding the reasons that lead to a higher email open rate.

For example, black or Red is a color that defines the popular online type of platforms/industries like Youtube or Netflix. It is known to be eye-catching, pro and can be used to highlight important elements in the marketing email. The photos, color palette you need to start to choose elements should define you're created brand identity, and people should be able to recall your brand from the emails and messages you sent.

One of the amazing, beautiful, and best type of email template tool examples to understand and find out how colors are created and play a vital role in email templates is to note the Holiday marketing email from brands like Apple.


5. Choosing the right font

Start Choosing the right font is as important as picking the correct, beautiful, and best color palette from the wide range for your marketing email campaign. According to a recent Bloomberg article, designers think certain fonts always work for an email editor while some are an absolute no-no.

For instance, Helvetica is the font that Apple Mail uses while Gmail sticks to Arial. It also reveals that nerds love Helvetica because of the neutrality in the creative. Font designers, on the other hand, call 'Arial' font to be ambiguous.

This article is an eye-opener because none of these two fonts work. Rather, the font designer suggest Georgia and Verdana as the best fonts to use in an email.

6. Embedding Videos in Emails

The best tip is you need to create an easy image online and start redirecting it to your landing page once done. This way you can also track and find out how many people clicked on the link and how many people landed on your page.

Say hello to Videos!! Embedding videos in emails campaign is surely a cool trend, but there are certain problems with the user experience. According to Wistia, when users start reading an email with an embedded video on mobile phones, they are forced to go to a different webpage or website to get to view the video.

Getting people available to watch our videos and read our content online and message shared is great, but I want many things that can't be accomplished from my user's viewer's email client. I need full interactions, not just views. That's how we market.

When your video is on your own creative landing page, you have more control over your viewers' next action like automation and builder.

7. Using too many images in one email

So here are the updates, if you're confused as to why not to use images in your emails, there is a simple metric that says most of the consumers tend to disable images on their mobiles. It comes to mind that it was fully revealed in an analysis by Gmail:

43% users read emails on their mobile devices without turning the images on Click To Tweet

For instance, take a look at this example from Net-a-porter:


8. Spoiling your audience for choices

We have an attention span lower than that of a goldfish! It's a pro! What you should avoid is fully stuffing your emails every time with multiple links, offers, creative new images, and confusing your audience which isn't required. This will also lower your conversion rate. See below a highly confusing email to get you to learn and understand better which will help in management:


Keeping your email to-the-point in real time is essential. When you are designing the email template builder, it is important to zero-down on which particular feature you would want to focus on and what purpose you are building and are you looking for like drag and drop, which industry it belongs to, available to serve, and also includes offer with that particular email.

Here is a simple and easy email template with just one CTA:


It is minimalistic in approach, has one single focus point, and is clean.

9. Not providing a browser version of your email template

You know that link down below. Yes, it is important for people who might face loading or rendering problems in the email. Help them to get to see a browser version so that they are not driven away. To build a user experience for your email readers, just test it out first every available time to see if you can identify all the elements.

10. Not allowing users to Unsubscribe

This is important, and you should treat this as an email marketing platform mandate. If you do not give them this option to unsubscribe, they might end up marking your email as SPAM. You would not need this to affect your emails deliverability reputation. Make sure your email template and layout help them easily locate this option!

Other Errors that Impact Email Design

Some errors are not directly related to the email designing, but the designer should take caution and be ready with the updates. These are such errors that come and can hamper the eCommerce Template quality and cause audience engagement to take a backseat and drag so start to set your categories right.

11. Not optimizing the 'To' and 'From' fields

Yes, it may look trivial, but these areas need should be optimized to personalize your emails.. Include your brand name in the "From Name" field, use a valid address in the "From Address" field and the "To" field should have your recipient's name with contact details. These small tips can help you go a long way to start engaging with your audience in no time. For more tips to land your emails in the inbox, check out this article: 14 Tips to land emails in the inbox.

12. Telling a long story through your email design

Remember and ensure you are using email marketing to engage with your audience. Use short and crisp text to embed your message. Try to get into that short attention span your readers will have. You can hyperlink texts, and they can always help to come back to get you to read more. For instance like this short email from HubSpot:

The design is clean. The spacing is perfect. The purpose was solved.


13. Sending out emails without testing them with major email clients

Last but not least sending and Test out across all the major email clients like Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook & AOL. Try, make and select an ESP whose eCommerce templates work awesome across all email clients.

Every email template has features like drag and drop less white space, good colors, and fonts, the perfect amount of texts and messages, and is short.

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How To Reduce Errors In Email Templates


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